In 2006, some frightening statistics, which were compiled by various organisations, show that there are around 22 000 children dying before they reach the age of one month and 75 000 children die before their fifth birthday.
Resthaven Ministries baby and children’s programmes focus on health, poverty alleviation, nutrition and spiritual education which is a critical component in ensuring the survival of South Africa’s children.
According to the South African Older Persons Forum (SADPF) it was estimated that in 2009 3.7 million of the total South African population was over 60 years of age and this figure has risen to upwards of 8 million. Of these 58% were women. Black women accounted for the largest spread of older persons. Gauteng and Kwa Zulu Natal have the highest numbers of older persons with the Northern Cape having the lowest.
We have a problem that is escalating with many more people coming up for retirement and or have already retired and these people will find their financial expectations falling way short of their plans which will lead to them being forced to stay in the job market putting additional strain on an ever expanding unemployment problem.