Hello there 😊
Here we are again, almost at the end of another year! And at this time of the year, time truly flies! So, in spite of the fact that we are struggling to raise funds to pay the arrears on the utilities for our homes and battling to honour our caregiving staff with their salaries at this time, we need to look at ensuring that those in our care (residents and staff) lack nothing over the Christmas holidays. In all my years at Resthaven Ministries, I have never experienced a time like this, and I’m sure there are many out there that will agree with me. The only thought giving us courage at this time is that by God’s grace these doors were opened and our work is not finished here. GOD IS FAITHFUL!!
Before I go on, as per the POPPY Act, should you not wish to receive our monthly Newsletters, please let me know!
There is some good news, however, LifeChoices.Org has joined us and is busy moving into our offices as I am typing this Newsletter. Their aim in life is to counsel pregnant teens and women who may be considering abortion. They would also be offering pre-natal classes and workshops on child development. Once they are more settled, we would be seeking a donation of an examination bed and scan to assist them in their tasks.
Our children are studying big time for the exams coming up, and although they leave wet towels on the floor in the bathroom, when it comes to their studies they are very diligent.
The Call Centre youngsters are really going above and beyond themselves and one of the young ladies in the Call Centre arranged an outing to the Lion Park, close to Broederstroom for the children of David House. They had an absolutely awesome day as she had also organized lunch packs from another donor, as well as transport to and from the Lion Park by yet another donor as a donation.
Two of our boys are turning 18 soon – one is extremely interested in production/acting and the other in becoming a jockey. Unfortunately, his health would not allow him to train as a jockey, so we are looking at mentorships/sponsorships in that direction, as well as in producing/directing/acting for our other young man. Anyone with suggestions or referrals, please? We would really welcome your input!
We are planning a huge celebration for Christmas and will be sending invitations to our regular donors, and anyone else that would be interested in attending, so please let us know if you would like to come and spend some Christmas Cheer with our children and elderly. Our kids will be providing a fashion show, David House has Talent and a play. We would be having a braai and singing Christmas Carols, and all-in-all it’s going to be a day of joy for everyone. More on this next month, though 😊
As always, it’s a joy to share our mountains and valleys with you all and I wish each and every one of your only the best!!
Resthaven Fundraising Team
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