Hello Everyone,
Hope you are all keeping well, warm and safe? This pandemic just doesn’t seem to end and we’re back to amended Level 4 ☹ but on the bright side, perhaps now you would like to take a raffle ticket for our Drinks Hamper? It’s huge and I am unable to pick it up with the 18 bottles of Craft Beer, 2 bottles of Red Wine, a bottle of Absolut Vodka plus ice bucket, a bottle of Olmega Tequila as well as 3 large packets of Simba chips, a packet of peanuts and a packet of biltong! 😊
This month I would like to tell you about Bobby and Lorraine, who has lived with us at Camelia House since 2017. Lorraine is 12 years older than Bobby and they have been together for 41 years!! When I look at them, I see TRUE LOVE! Lorraine is very frail at this point in time, and Bobby helps her brush her hair, dress, eat and I can truly say I have never seen such devotion!
Everything’s up in the air right now with the lockdown, but one of our boys has been given an opportunity to attend an academy during the holidays to see if he could get a learnership in car mechanics, diesel mechanics or something in that line. If he gets a learnership, he will be going to the academy next year and we stand in faith for him.
Our Volunteer, Vuyo, is still doing activities with our children, especially now with the enforced school holidays and they are doing soccer coaching and keeping physically active and he has had a very positive impact on the children.
Other than that, we are very sad to report that our CEO, Steve Rudd has been infected with the virus and we are praying for speedy healing for him and prayers for his family too. Also, at Jasmine House we have had 2 positive cases of covid and our oldies there are isolated in their rooms with no contact with each other and no more shared meals in the dining room. They are equally in our prayers for speedy healing. Most of them did go for the first vaccine and are doing well. We are, however, ensuring that all protocols are followed closely in the homes to ensure the health and safety of those in our care.
Another heartfelt thank you must go to Drs Ferreira, Plant and Wilkinson, who have attended to our children, elderly and staff for many years free of charge. We SO appreciate their selfless dedication to our elderly.
We also have a new fundraiser, Elizabeth Pereira. This lady was always here on soup days and we asked her whether she would like to try her hand at fundraising, which she gladly accepted and we are most impressed with her.
Now, for this new POPIA Act which became effective on 1st July that states we require your consent to communicate with you in future. You are on my email database because you have evinced interest in supporting our cause previously. If you are happy to keep receiving emails from us, please ignore this paragraph. But if you prefer to be removed from our database, please respond by return email letting me know. WE HOPE YOU STAY CONNECTED WITH US AS WE CANNOT CARE FOR OUR PEOPLE WITHOUT YOUR SUPPORT. YOU ARE OUR COMMUNITY!
Well, that’s our news for the month.
Please stay safe and we look forward to sharing our news again next month
With joy and faith from
Resthaven Fundraisers
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