Hi All,
This will be the last Newsletter this year as our offices are closing on 13th December. I would like to assure you that any donations made after the 13th December will still receive their formal tax certificates, although it would only be done in the New Year! I shall post our December Newsletter in early January 2020 so you can see what our precious residents were up to over Christmas and New Year 😊.
We would like to thank G.M. Boiler, who – through our contact with Chantel – has done unbelievable restoration to our home for the elderly, Camelia House! They did not only paint and fix up the home, they even fixed the garden.
HUGE thanks also to By Word of Mouth and Woolworths for AMAZING food donations! 😊
Heartfelt thanks to Sylvia of Puritech, who has taken our children to her church for a Christmas Party. Sylvia not only spoils our kids and elderly, she did a stellar testimony for us to post on our Facebook page too. “I visited Resthaven Homes on the 21st of September 2019, with some family, friends and some of our church people. My aim was to show my son, what it is to give and to spend time with the children and the elderly who so desperately need it. Also I celebrated my birthday in September, so it was a double celebration for me!. This place is such a lovely place, which takes care of children and the aged, let me tell you, I have visited a whole lot of other places, but this place, there is so much of love and care taken by the staff and house mothers of everyone there!, Bless you all!. The children are happy, the aged, I cannot even believe that with such older ages that the seniors are at , it feels like I am speaking to 21 year olds. God Bless you all with long live, healthy and wealthy lives. I would encourage everyone to visit and donate, like any home, there is a lot of things needed, from food items, clothes, detergents, etc. I cannot pen all my thoughts on this mail, as there is too many, after visiting Resthaven Ministries, my heart is truly blessed, and I will continue to assist wherever I can, and you should too!. Have a blessed day!”
We do require kitchen stuff for our homes, and I have sent out a “Touch Base” email with our requirements, to which we received abundant response and we thank you all SO MUCH for this!
Our elderly also got a chance to get out for a bit as Sue Lubbe and Friends took them to Wimpy, The Glen for tea and cake! They rarely get the opportunity to get out, so any suggestions or assistance in this regard would be most appreciated.
I would like to take this opportunity of offering profound thanks to everyone who has supported us throughout the year! You have REALLY helped us tremendously and I pray God’s abundant blessings over each and everyone of you!
And now I wish you all a blessed Christmas, phenomenal December holidays and a very prosperous New Year.
2020 here we come!
Lots of love to you all.