I must apologize most sincerely to you all – when I had started this newsletter, I had promised to keep it upbeat and positive and, lately, I have failed miserably at that! Quite frankly, it has become increasingly difficult to maintain an upbeat and positive attitude, as I’m sure you all know! But when those negative thoughts come, I always try to replace them with faith and hope!!
We are seriously battling to get enough funds together to honour our caregivers’ salaries once again! They do their duties with such love and dedication to the children and seniors, and not being able to settle their salaries on the appointed time is like a dagger in our hearts! Two of our regular donors were so generous to donate an extra amount this month, but is there any other help out there, please???? Would you be willing to make a R500 donation to ensure the smooth and effective running of our homes for HIV+ orphans, abandoned kids and equally abandoned grannies and grandpa’s?
Beverley Bothma of Prominent Fluids was the lucky winner of the drinks hamper and was very happy with the news. I’m sure you have all noticed that we now have a one-night weekend stay at the Da Vinci Hotel in Sandton for 2 as a prize? The value of this prize is R4,500 and the tickets go for R500 apiece. This is such a posh place, I wouldn’t mind spending a night there myself! Disappointingly, we only have one entrant thus far!
One thing I have never asked any of you is whether you have any comments on our homes, our Newsletters, or any suggestions on improving our relationship with you guys? Perhaps even referrals to people that could possibly assist us in our cause. We need your input to successfully look after our HIV+ orphans, abandoned children and equally abandoned seniors, please? Also, to communicate with you guys successfully!
Our new CEO, Neil Williams, is a power-house!! He is instituting a whole new call centre in our head office and we are expecting great things from his efforts!! See pic below showing progress on our Call Centre:
Neil is planning to have this operable by the 1st of September and we are all hoping for big things to come from this!
Now for other news: Liz from Trinity Methodist Church just loves children and baking! She is now baking cakes for all our children’s birthdays throughout the year! May God bless her for making our kids feel so special!
The youngest brother out of the 4 brothers and sisters that was our last intake is playing his first soccer league match this weekend, and we’ve got his back!!
All our kids are progressing really well at school and we are so proud of them!! We have some big dreams for our children’s home!! Fashion design, movie producers, authors, writers, mechanics, hairdressers! It makes my heart swell when I listen to them talk about their aspirations
BIG NEWS! Neil is planning a special Year End Function with our kids doing a fashion show, A David House Has Talent show, a short speech, food, games and ending off with all joining in Christmas Carols. Neil would also like to send invitations out to all of you and we have already secured premises that would be large enough to house many people
Not forgetting that it’s Women’s Month and the Cradle Project and Pierre Fabre Laboratories helped us make our female residents Women’s day very special!! Thank you so much for that!
Well, that’s our news for this month. We keep standing in faith and putting our focus on God! He IS faithful and will come through for each and every one of us, we should just trust and believe!!!
Resthaven’s Fundraising Team