Hi Everybody,
I realize that I’m a bit late with our April Newsletter, but I have been so busy trying to raise funds as we are seriously battling just to settle our water and lights accounts on our homes, and ensuring that our caregivers get their due, which they so richly deserve:
Talking about the caregivers, I have been asking our residents – children and elderly alike – to give some thoughts on the people that are looking after them, seeing as I’m in the office constantly and not quite au fait with the running of the homes as you all know, my job is to ensure that we receive funds for the running of our homes.
I was gob-smacked by the results though! Especially from the children! They, one and all, mentioned how much they love the unbiased love they get from their caregivers, how they always cheer them up with jokes when they are down and sit with them to sort out any problems that they may have. They also love the food that the caregivers prepare for them, especially the waffles!
With the elderly, I was equally impressed with their take on their caregivers. I have heard tales of how they are considered “Angels” in coping with grumpiness, how the one caregiver has sat with one of the eldest, as she gets terribly nervous when she can’t even reach her nightgown and edgy when she is unable to sleep. This caregiver has been known to ask her husband to bring her to the home at 3am in the morning to sit with this particular elderly lady until she has calmed down and fallen asleep.
So, it goes without saying that our caregivers go above and beyond their call of duty and we SO wish we could pay them what they are worth!! But as things go, we do what we can to show our appreciation of them!
Not such good news is that our Gail passed away 13th April. She has been with us since October 2016 and the people at Jasmine miss her dreadfully!
The Car wash was a HUGE success, thanks to Mondeor Village Car Wash. And Reapers Tactical arrived with 10 cars to support us! Unfortunately, they were unable to wait and so generously and kindly donated the money for their 10 cars to Resthaven.
We are also in the process of setting up a Raffle with a Drinks Hamper as prize, we still need to work out the finer details and try and get more bottles donated. But as soon as we have it finalized, I shall be forwarding the news to you all. I know you are going to say: WHAT? A ministry raffling a drinks hamper? But tough times call for tougher measures and we, in no way, encourage over-indulgence or violence towards women and children by doing this!
Well, that’s my news for the month of April. Sincere apologies for the late delivery! And wishing you ALL only the best that the month of May could bring!
From Resthaven’s Fundraising Team
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